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MN Valley Business Magazine- August 2011


Its all in the details- Woitas fills a niche with mobile boat, car, RV cleaning business

By Jean Lundquist


In 2008, Tyler Woitas was a 20-year-old man with an eye for detail and a willingness to work hard and get dirty.  That year as college let out in the spring, he saw his expected summer landscaping job evaporate in the weak economy.


That summer Woitas' turned his skills into what has become Overboard Detailing-a one man boat, car, RV, and in one case, even mailbox detailer. "I had been working on a boat at a guy's house.  He thought I did such a good job, he asked if I could do something for his mailbox, so I did," Woitas says.


How meticulous is Woitas in his hard cleaning, maintaining, protecting and enhancing the items he's working on?  One of his tools is a tooth brush.  "If you can see it, it will be clean!" Woitas says.


As Woitas contemplated how to make money that summer, he thought about mowing grass or washing cars.  As he researched the pros and cons of each, his research led him to the idea of boat detailing, knowing there are a lot of recreational lakes in southern Minnesota.


After detailing the family lawn mower, his car and his mom's vehicle for practice, Woitas made his first stops at Dale's Marine and Stormy's Motorsports and Marine, both in Madison Lake.  He landed his first job detailing a pontoon boat through Dale's Marine later that week.  "Marinas get a lot of requests from boat owners to do detailing work, but most of them don't do it."


His first season, Woitas detailed 12 boats and admits he spent the whole summer, and much of 2009, learning about the techniques and products to use.  He didn't buy in bulk, so his expenses were high.  He didn't own much equipment, so his labor was mostly by hand and took longer. "I god burned (by what I charged) on a lof of boats."


Since then, Woitas has spent the money to aquire a heavy-duty vacuum, and has invested in a buffer, as well.

Woitas says many of the boats he details each year are high-end boats, but he details everyday fishing boats, too.  "People call me up, tell me they've been fishing, and have fish guts everywhere and they need it cleaned."


A big portion of his business comes in the spring, when boats are taken out of storage.  "If they've been wrapped in plastic, and there's any moisture in there with them, they probably have mold on them."  A prime location for mold is vinyl seats.


Removing the mold from them is a a multi-part process, Woitas says.  "I use a pretty strong soap to scrub them, so when I get the mold off, I have to use a conditioner to put the moisture back in.  Then I rub that in andwipe them down."


Another trick to the detailing trade is understanding oxidation, he says.  "Oxidation is like a sunburn.  If you have water on your arm, the sunburn will be worse there, and it's the same for paint.  Over time, oxidation can do some serious damage if it's not checked."


It's ironic that on of Woitas' degrees from Minnesota State University is in marketing.  Being a one-person business, he hasn't had time to do marketing beyone producing a brochure.  "I've been relying on word of mouth, doing a good job, having a good reputation and referrals."


A good share of his business comes from Dale's Marine and Stormy's Motorsports and Marine and Stoufer's Auto Sales, also in Madison Lake. 

They get a request for a detail of a boat, car or RV and schedule it with Woitas.  "That's good," Woitas admits, but has it's down side, too.  "Those people (vehicle owners) don't get to meet me, and I don't get to work my charm on them."


He's only partly joking.  Another share of his business is in making house calls, like the job in which he was asked to work on the mailbox.  "When I'm at their home, people get to see how I work and how hard I work, and they often recommend me to their friends."


In addition to house calls in and around the Mankato area, Woitas has traveled to New Ulm, Blue Earth and Waterville.

After a starting year with 12 detailing jobs, Woitas had 40 jobs last summer.  This year, he's on track to double that.


Having spent so much time around boats has made a mark on Woitas.  He had never gone fishing until last summer.  He bought a kayak and went fishing for the first time.


Woitas will graduate in December with a major in Leisure Planning and Management, and his minor in Marketing. 


Lake Region Times Newspaper- 2008

Beautifying Area Boats-

By Clayton Everton


Tyler Woitas wasn't trying to reinvent the wheel when he started Overboard Detailing, he just needed to com up with a job that he could do over the spring and summer after his landscaping job fell through.  His simple but surprisingly uncommon (at least in this area) idea was to start a mobile boat-detailing business.  He will come to your house, or your local marina, wherever your boat is, and wash, wax and buff your watercraft until it shines.


Tyler is currently a student at MSU-Mankato, majoring in Program Planning adn Event Management.  A 2007 graduate of St. Clair High School, Tyler attended St. Clair Schools his whole life, from K-12.  He has an older brother Kyle and a younger brother Matthew who is a senior at St. Clair.


Tyler admits that he may not have been the most focused student in high school, but that is all behind him.  He is now all focus and ambition.  When he started his boat detailing business, it wasn't because he needed to a job; it was because he needed to replace his third job.  In addition to getting A's while taking 18 credits at MSU, Tyler works at Lowes Hardware, BW3's, and he does an enormous amount of work for his major. 


The Event Management aspect of Tyler's major is what really interests him and helps keep him busy.  He and his students team have been doing the planning and organizing for a number of non-profit events.  The upcoming Arthritis Walk to be held at Spring Lake Park in North Mankato on May 1st was completely put together by Tyler and his team, everything from getting sponsors to promoting the event.

So why a Boat Detailing business?  Tyler thinks it goes back to his childhood.  Always on the lookout to earn some extra money, he would offer to wash cars, bikes, whatever he could.  His family used to joke that he did such a good job cleaning he should make a career out of it.  While it may not be a career at this point, it is definately an up-and-coming business.  As for the name Overboard Detailing that came from Tyler's mom (Thanks mom!) Lisa Kuether.


When Tyler decided to start the business, the first thing he did was research.  If he was going to do it, he was going to do it right.  He looked into what chemicals and cleaners work best and which ones can damage the various surfaces on a boat.  He also went around to area Marinas to get their feedback on his boat detailing idea and talked to local boat owners about common issues they have maintaining their boats.


Tyler was pleasantly surprised by the enthusiastic response from Dale's Marine, Mapleton Marine, Stormy's Motor Sports, and other area Marinas.  By the time this hits newsstands, Tyler will have already detailed 10 or 11 boats so far this spring.  And his customers are very pleased with the results.


Boat Detailing by Overboard Detailing involves a complete interior and exterior cleaning, high pressure wash, hull cleaned, acid-wash, buffing, compound work, waxing, vinyl coating, and carpets vacuumed and shampooed.


Tyler uses top-of-the-line products and equipment and is "mobile."  He will come to you.  He offers various levels of Detailing services depending on the condition of the boat and the owner's desires.  Tyler charges by the foot for his services, which are extremely thorough.  For more information Tyler can be contacted at (507)380-3934.


We Detail Anything You Want - Wherever You Want!

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